Wednesday 28 May 2014


Hey guys,
So I'm back again! I always say I will use MSP and my blog again then never do, like seriously, I haven't posted on here since January 2014, but I feel like since I have so many page views I should. A lot of you message me on MSP all the time asking me to blog post and I feel so bad so I decided to post. I never use MSP but I am going to try to remember to log on every noun again for you guys. So yeah, that's basically whats going on atm :)
Anyway, I am entering the Wild Ocean competition. The last week I have been buying loads of stuff for my room, and I'm entering it later today or tomorrow (my garden!).
It would mean a lot to me if you guys could vote for my room in the competition because I have spent so long saving up and getting it together to enter!
I will be giving away wishies if you vote for me, so stay tuned for another blog post about that shortly. Vote as soon as voting begins and I will let you know further details soon!
In other news, I have new short movies out! I have 17 out so far and I'm also making more. Please watch, you will earn fame fast and you will help me out so much for the wishlist giveaways! Thankyou so much if you watch!
So yeah, I think that's it! They are all my updates atm, anything else will be posted on here. Whenever I post on my blog I will alert you guys on MSP so keep checking! Thanks for reading guys, and see you next time.
Emily <3